
Cards (26)

  • What does the ‘Dominant Ideology’ Theory propose?
    The ruling class promotes specific beliefs and values
  • How does the ruling class use religion according to the ‘Dominant Ideology’ Theory?
    To promote and enforce their ideology
  • What is false class consciousness?
    Acceptance of exploitation and oppression by the proletariat
  • Who disagrees with Marx's view on religion's relevance to the poor?
    Brian Turner
  • What does Turner argue about the poor's concerns?
    The poor prioritize survival over godliness
  • According to Turner, what influences people's behavior today?
    The economy influences behavior, not religion
  • What was the function of the system of ‘primogeniture’?
    To keep wealth within the family
  • How did the church support the system of primogeniture?
    By emphasizing marriage and legitimacy of heirs
  • What role did religion play in controlling sexuality according to Turner?
    To secure regular transmission of property
  • What additional function did religion serve for surplus male heirs?
    Provided accommodation in monasteries
  • What has happened to the system of primogeniture in modern times?
    It has largely disappeared
  • Who holds wealth in contemporary society according to Turner?
    Businesses and corporations
  • What does Mannheim say about the ruling class's ideology?
    It is blind to threats to their power
  • What does the working class's utopian consciousness encourage?
    A rising up out of oppression
  • What happens when the working class achieves economic success according to Mannheim?
    They adopt the ruling class's ideology
  • What similarity did Engels see between Christianity and Socialism?
    Both preach salvation from oppression
  • How does Christianity view salvation compared to Socialism?
    Christianity sees it in the afterlife
  • Why does Engels consider religious salvation as false?
    It creates a false consciousness
  • What is a theodicy?
    A set of religiously based abstract ideas
  • How does the ruling class use their theodicy?
    To justify their social position
  • What do subordinate groups use their theodicy for?
    To understand their pain and suffering
  • What potential does a theodicy of non-privilege have?
    It can have revolutionary potential
  • What is the concept of "ideological smokescreen"?
    A distraction from real social issues
  • How does ideology function as a form of social control?
    It shapes beliefs to maintain power dynamics
  • What was the historical role of religion in society?
    To maintain power and control over classes
  • How has modern secularism impacted religion's influence?
    It has reduced religion's societal relevance