plant nutrition

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  • cuticle: protective layer that allows light to enter the leaf; it is waterproof in order to prevent waterloss due to evaporation
  • upper epidermis: produces waxy cuticle; allows light to enter the leaf
    • does not contain chloroplasts
    • made of wax to prevent infection within the plant
    • wax also makes sure that there is minimal water loss while still a good supply for sunlight entering the leaf
  • palisade mesophyll: allows many chloroplasts to be packed together closely
    • absorbs all the available light
  • spongy mesophyll: loosely packed cells that have air spaces for gas exchange to occur
    • have large surface area to increase diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen
  • air spaces: increases surface area for gas exchange; allows gas exchange to occur more easily
  • xylem: allows water to be exported across the plant
  • phloem: helps transport amino acids and sucrose across the plant
  • lower epidermis: large surface area + contains stomata and guard cells to allow carbon dioxide to enter and oxygen to leave
  • stomata: controls gas exchange
  • guard cells: help minimise water loss
  • limiting factor: a factor that prevent the rate of something from increasing
  • hydrogen carbonate indicator: used to estimate the concentration of carbon dioxide in the water
    • low = magenta
    • normal = red
    • yellow or orange = high