Cards (5)

  • How does language develop according to Skinner?
    Through imitation where positive and negative reinforcement and punishment occur. Behaviour is shaped and maintained by consequences, same as language
  • Adults encourage babies to use new words eg making them say please before feeding, if they say it then the baby is rewarded with food
  • adults subtly correct children if their language is wrong however they don’t punish them for this so the correction is not responded to
  • Support for behaviourism
    adults response to cooing/babbling appears to encourage children
    Children pronounce in the same way they have heard
    Children swear in the correct context
  • weaknesses of behaviourism
    ignore input from adults (eg fis phenomenon)
    negative reinforcement doesn’t happen
    children invent words they have not heard
    wouldn’t be grammatically incorrect if they copied
    studied on animals, may not fully apply to language