where child utters first recognisable word, they build up their vocabulary of holophrases (singlewords to convey meaning) and also use bodylanguage,intonation and volume.
Usually nouns said
What is an overextension?
When a child uses a word for more than it applies to. Eg calling all animals dogs
what is underextention?
when the child is aware of a word but onlyapply it to onespecific thing
What did Katherine Nelson do?
1973 study of 18 children’s first word and classified the first 50 words a child learns
what were the categories of Nelsons research?
Naming Things (ball, dog, mummy)
actions / events (give, put)
personal / social (yes, hi, no)
modifying things (dirty, nice, more)
What were Katherine Nelsons findings?
largest group of words were nouns, second largest were those that expressed or demanded actions, then modifiers and personal and social words.
First objects named tended to be small and easily handled by children