Communication: is the process of sharing ideas and opinions about issues, people, events and places between or among persons through various channels with the intent to gain common understanding.
Media: The means of communication, as radio, television, newspapers, and magazines that reach or influence people widely.” Media is actually a plural form of “medium”, the meaning of which also reflects the importance of the information and communication process.
Traditional Media – Newspaper, radio and television
New Media – Computer, mobile phones and other digital gadgets
Information: The message conveyed by the sender to its recipient through various channels. It is not always textual in form. As a message, it may also be in video, sound, image, graphics, animation and other non-verbal forms.
Multimedia: combining multiple forms of media.
Media And Information Literacy
It is about equipping citizens with the competencies and skills to engage effectively and responsibly with media and information systems.
It also imparts some of the fundamental abilities required for critical thinking, analysis, self-expression, and creativity, all of which are needed for members of a democratic society.