
    Cards (103)

    • What are the three main aspects of memory?
      Capacity, duration, and coding
    • How does the brain maximize information storage?
      By finding efficient storage methods
    • What is the duration of sensory memory?
      0.5 seconds
    • What does Baddeley (1998) suggest about sensory memory?
      It enables us to watch films
    • What is the capacity of sensory memory?
      Potentially unlimited
    • Why can't we recall all letters in sensory memory?
      Because the storage duration is very brief
    • What are the separate sensory stores for?
      Different senses: echoic, iconic, olfactory
    • How is sensory memory coded?
      It is not coded; stored in raw form
    • What is the definition of Short Term Memory (STM)?
      A system for brief information storage
    • What is the digit span in STM according to Miller?
      7 plus or minus 2 items
    • Who developed the digit-span technique?
      Joseph Jacobs
    • What does chunking refer to in STM?
      Grouping information to increase capacity
    • What is the duration of STM?
      18-30 seconds
    • What happens to items in STM when rehearsal is prevented?
      They decay and are forgotten
    • What is maintenance rehearsal?
      Repeating information to remember it
    • What was the aim of Peterson and Peterson's study?
      To test how long STM lasts without rehearsal
    • What did Peterson and Peterson find about recall over time?
      Recall decreased as time intervals increased
    • What can we conclude about the duration of STM from Peterson and Peterson's study?
      STM lasts 18-30 seconds without rehearsal
    • What types of coding are used in STM?
      Visual, acoustic, and semantic coding
    • What type of coding does STM primarily rely on?
      Acoustic coding
    • What did Baddeley's (1966) study reveal about STM coding?
      STM codes acoustically, LTM semantically
    • What is the capacity of LTM?
    • What did Bahrick's (1975) study conclude about LTM duration?
      LTM can last a lifetime
    • What are the key features of the Multi Store Model of Memory (MSM)?
      • Memory flows in a fixed sequence
      • Capacity and duration limitations at each stage
      • Information transfer may require re-coding
      • Information can be lost at every stage
      • Attention transfers info from sensory to STM
      • Rehearsal recycles info within STM and to LTM
    • What evidence supports the distinction between STM and LTM in the MSM?
      Case studies of Clive Wearing and H.M.
    • How does Clive Wearing's case support the MSM?
      His STM is impaired, but LTM is intact
    • What issues did H.M. face after his surgery?
      Problems in LTM, intact STM
    • What is a criticism of the MSM regarding STM and LTM?
      It oversimplifies them as single stores
    • What does the Working Model of Memory propose?
      STM consists of multiple components
    • What are the components of the Working Memory Model?
      Central executive, phonological loop, visuo-spatial scratchpad, episodic buffer
    • What is the role of the central executive?
      Involved in problem solving and decision-making
    • What does the phonological loop consist of?
      Articulatory control system and phonological store
    • What is the function of the visuo-spatial scratchpad?
      Stores visual and spatial information
    • What are the two parts of the visuo-spatial scratchpad?
      Visual cache and inner scribe
    • What is the role of the episodic buffer?
      Integrates material from different sources
    • What evidence supports the existence of working memory components?
      Tasks using the same component are harder
    • What did Gathercole and Badley's (1993) study demonstrate?
      Support for phonological loop and visuo-spatial scratchpad
    • What did K.F.'s case study reveal about STM?
      Separate components for visual and verbal information
    • How has the Working Memory Model evolved?
      It has been refined with new research findings
    • What is a criticism of the central executive?
      Its exact function is unclear and vague
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