Asch's Research A01

Cards (13)

  • Procedure
    Two large white cards with different line lengths with one card having standard line and other card with 3 seperate lines
  • Participants
    123 male American undergraduates
  • Confederates
    6 confederates in each group
  • Trials
    18 trials per participant, 12 'critical' trials
  • Conformity Rate
    36.8% of the time participants gave wrong answers
  • Non-Conformity Rate
    25% of participants did not conform
  • Conformity Occurrence
    75% of participants conformed at least once
  • Reason for Conformity
    Participants were scared of rejection and conformed due to NSI (Normative Social Influence)
  • Group Size Variation

    With 3 confederates, conformity increased to 31.8%
  • Unanimity Variation
    Dissenting confederates decreased conformity rate
  • Independence of Participant
    Participants were more independent when another person gave a different answer
  • Alternative Knowledge
    ISI (Informational Social Influence) decreased when dissenting confederate provided alternative knowledge
  • Task Difficulty Variation
    Closer line lengths increased conformity due to increased ISI