
Subdecks (3)

Cards (73)

  • What is the role of a Caliph in Islam?
    Ruler of mosque and state
  • Who is the Imam?
    Leader of the mosque
  • What does the Hijab represent?
    Submission to Allah
  • What is the Hadith?
    Collection of Muhammad's sayings and actions
  • How are Islamic traditions derived?
    From the Hadith
  • What is Mecca?
    Holy place centered around Islam
  • What is the Ka'bah?
    Cubed shaped room inside Mecca
  • Who are Shiite Muslims?
    Muslims who believe Ali was Muhammad's successor
  • What does Jihad mean?
    Struggle for the sake of Allah
  • What does Jannah represent in Islam?
  • What does Jahannam represent in Islam?
  • What are the main texts of Islam?
    Hadiths and Quran
  • What symbol is commonly associated with Islam?
    Crescent moon with star
  • How many people follow Islam worldwide?
    1.8 billion
  • What is the Shahada in Islam?
    Declaration of belief in Allah's oneness
  • What is the significance of Salah in Islam?
    Daily prayer 5 times a day
  • What percentage of earnings is given as Zakat?
  • What is the purpose of Zakat in Islam?
    To support Muslim-related charities and help the needy
  • What does Sawm refer to in Islam?
    Fasting during Ramadan
  • When does fasting occur during Ramadan?
    From sunrise to sunset
  • What is Hajj in Islam?
    A pilgrimage to Mecca
  • Who is required to perform Hajj?
    Those who are able to do so
  • What is required regarding dietary laws in Islam?
    Halal food is required
  • What types of food are forbidden in Islam?
    Pork, blood, and intoxicants
  • What is expected regarding modesty in Islam?
    Men and women must dress and behave modestly
  • What do women often wear for modesty in Islam?
    Women often wear the hijab
  • What must men cover according to Islamic modesty laws?
    From navel to knees
  • What is the role of women in Islam?
    Women are spiritually equal to men
  • What rights do women have in Islam?
    Rights to education, work, property, and marriage choice
  • What is the source of oppression faced by women in some cultures?
    Culture, not Islamic teachings
  • What is required of halal food

    properly slaughtered meat
  • What do Muslims believe about the birth of Jesus?
    He was born from a virgin
  • Who is considered the second greatest prophet in Islam?
  • What did Jesus perform according to Islamic belief?
    He did miracles
  • What is the Islamic view on Jesus' death?
    He did not die on the cross
  • What do Muslims believe about Jesus' future?
    He will return
  • do Muslims think Jesus is divine