Story of the prophet Mohammad

Cards (18)

  • What was the family background of Muhammad?
    Born to a powerful but not wealthy family
  • Who died before Muhammad was born?
    His father
  • How old was Muhammad when his mother died?
    25 years old
  • Who did Muhammad marry?
  • What was Khadija's status when she married Muhammad?
    She was a wealthy widow
  • How old was Muhammad when he married Khadija?
    25 years old
  • Who appeared to Muhammad while he was meditating?
    The angel Gabriel
  • What message did Gabriel deliver to Muhammad?
    A message from Allah
  • What was the religious context in which Muhammad lived?
    Arabs worshiped multiple Gods
  • How did the Arabs react to Muhammad's teachings?
    They did not accept his teachings
  • What was Muhammad's teaching regarding idols?
    He taught to destroy their idols
  • Where did Muhammad gain converts?
    In Mecca
  • What prompted Muhammad to escape to Medina?
    A plot to kill him
  • What did Muhammad do in Medina?
    He spread Islam to others
  • What was the outcome of Muhammad's efforts in Mecca?
    He regained control of Mecca
  • What happened to most tribes of Arabia as a result of Muhammad's efforts?
    They joined Islam
  • How did Muhammad's background influence his perseverance?
    He was an orphan without property
  • What helped Muhammad persevere through challenges?
    His faith in God