Cards (12)

    • What does the cognitive approach argue
      that internal mental processes can and should be studied scientifically
    • what did the CA investigate
      the areas of human behaviour that were neglected by behaviourists ( memory , perception and thinking ) are private processes and cant be observed
      • so cog psychologists study them indirectly by making inferences about whats going on in peoples minds in the basis of their behaviour
    • schema
      a mental framework of beliefs and expectations that influence cognitive processing which are developed from experience
    • example of schema
      • chair - something with legs you can sit on
      • thats a package of info learned through experience that helps you to respond to the object appropriately
    • what are babies born with
      • simple motor schema for innate behaviours
      • e.g. grasping and sucking
    • what happens to our schema as we get older
      • schema becomes more detailed and sophisticated
      • adults developed mental representations for everything from concept of psych to schema
    • how is schema useful

      • helps us to process info quickly
      • this is useful as a mental shortcut that prevents us from being overwhelmed by environmental stimuli
    • however schema may also....
      distort our interpretations of sensory information leading to perceptual errors
    • what did CP use to help them understand internal mental processes
      theoretical and computer models
    • theoretical model
      • its abstract
      • its the information processing approach
      • suggests that information flows through the cognitive system in a sequence of stages
      • include input , storage and retrieval - multi store model
      • based on way computers functions
    • computer models
      • its concrete
      • involves programming a computer to see if such instructions produce a similar output to humans
      • if they do we suggest that similar processes are going on in the human mind
      • such computational models of the mind have proved useful in the development of thinking machines or AI
    • cognitive neuroscience
      • scientific study of the influence of the brain structures on mental processes
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