in the 17th-19th century what was psychology defined as
experimental psychology
What did Wilhim wundt do in 1897
opens first experimentalpsychologylab in germany
what was wundts aim
analyse the nature of human consciousness and therefore he represented first systematic attempt to study mind under controlled conditions-introspections
Who emphasized the influence of the unconscious mind in psychology during the 1900s?
sigmund freud
What approach did Sigmund Freud develop in the 1900s that focused on the unconscious mind?
Psychodynamic approach
What type of therapy did Sigmund Freud create in the 1900s that involves exploring the unconscious mind?
How did Sigmund Freud explain physical problems in the 1900s?
as conflicts within the mind
What did John B watson write in 1913?
Psychology as the Behaviourist views it
who established the behaviourist approach in 1913
John B Watson and BF Skinner
Who discovered what approavh in the 1950s
Carl rogers and abraham maslow discovered the humanist approach
what else did rogers and maslow do
rejected the behavurist and psychodanim view-that human ehaviour is determined by outside factors
what do humanistic phsyochologists emphasise
importance of self determination and free will
what was introduced in the 1950s
what does the cognitive approach reintroduce
study of mental processes to psychology- more scientific way than wundt
what approach was introduced in the 1960s and by who
albert bandura proposes the social learning theory
what is the social learning theory
the approach draws attention to role of cognitive factors in learning and provides a bridge between new cognitive approach and traditionalbehaviourism
what approach was established in 1980s
biological approach as the dominant scientific perspective in psychology
due to advances in technology that have increased understanding of the brain and biological processes
eve of the 21st century
-cognitive neuroscience approaches
-brings together cognitive and biological approaches
-investigates how biological structures influence mental states