Cards (6)

    • strengths of SLT
      • recognises cognitive factors of learning
      • reciprocal determinism
    • weaknesses of SLT
      • Makes reference of biological factors on social learning
      • evidence was gathered through lab studies
    • + recognises cognitive factors in learning
      • classical or operant conditioning cant offer an adequate account of learning on their own
      • humans and animals store information about the behaviour of others and use it to make judgements about when its appropriate to perform certain actions
      • bandura observed learning is hazardous if people relied on effects on actions
      • suggests SLT provides more comprehensive explanation of human learning by recognising the role of mediational processes
    • - making reference of influence of biological factors on social learning
      • bandura claimed natural bio differences influenced our learning potential - thought learning itself was determined by the environment
      • research suggests observational learning is result of minor neurons in the brain allowing us to empathise withand imitate others
      • suggests that bio differences influences on social learning were under emphasised in SLT
    • - evidence was gathered through lab studies
      • Banduras ideas were developed through observations of young childrens behaviour in the lab
      • lab studies are criticised as p's may respond to demand characteristics
      • the children were behaving in a way they thought was expected
      • suggests that research may tell us little about how children actually lean aggression in everyday life
    • + less determinist than behaviourist approach
      • bandura emphasised reciprocal determinism in the sense that we are not influenced by external environment
      • but we exert an influence on it through the behaviours we choose to perform
      • this element suggests theres some free will in the way we behave
      • this contrasts with the behaviourist approach which denies the possibility of free will
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