bio A AO1

    Cards (12)

    • what does the biological approach suggest
      • everything psychological is at first biological
      • to fully understand human behaviour , we must look into biological structures and processes within the body
    • what is neurochemistry
      refers to the action of chemicals in the brain
      • much of our thought and behaviour relies on chemical transmission in the brain - this occurs through neurotransmitters
    • what happens when theres an imbalance of neurochemicals in the brain
      • its a possible cause of mental disorder
      • e.g. low levels of neurotransmitter serotonin in OCD and overproduction of dopamime in schizophrenia
    • what are twin studies used for
      to investigate whether certain psychological characteristic have a genetic basis - achieved by concordance rates
    • whats concordance rates

      the extent to which twins share the same characteristic
    • if a characteristic is genetic we expect all identical (monozygotic) tins to be concordant (share 100 % same genes)
    • non identical twins (dizygotic) share about 50 % of the same genes
    • both monozygotic and dizygotic twins , the environment is assumed to be constant
    • genotype
      actual genetic make up
    • phenotype
      the way genes are expressed through physical , behavioural and psychological characteristics
    • identical twins have the same genes but their phenotype is different - illustrates that much of human behaviour depends upon interaction between inherited factors and the environment
    • theory of natural selection
      • proposed by charles darwin
      • main principle - any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an individuals survival will continue for generations
      • in nature - this selection takes place naturally
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