origins Of psychology AO3

    Cards (6)

    • Strength - scientific
      • wundts methods were sytematic and controlled
      • all introspections were recorded in controlled environment of lab
      • ensured all extraneous variables werent a factor
      • procedures and instructions were standardised so all p's received same info and were tested in the same way
      • this suggests that wundts research can be considered a forerunner to later scientific approaches in psychology such as behaviourist approach
    • limitation - subjective data
      • other aspects of his research would be considered unscientific
      • wundt relied on all p's self reporting their mental processes
      • such data is subjective
      • p's may have hidden some thoughts - difficult to establish meaningful laws of behvaiour from such data
      • general laws are used to predict future behaviour
      • this suggests that some of wundts early efforts to study the mind were flawed and wouldnt meet the criteria of scientific enquiry
    • strength - wundts contribution
      • wundt produced first academic journal for psychological research and wrote first textbook
      • hes referred to as founder of modern psychology
      • its suggested that wundts pioneering research set the foundation for approaches that were to come
      • particularly behaviourist and cognitive psychology
    • strength - modern psychology
      • research in modern psych can claim to be scientific
      • psychology has same aims as natural sciences
      • learning approaches , cog and bio approach rely on use of scientific methods
      • this suggest that throughout the 20th century and beyond , psychology has established itself as a scientific discipline
    • subjective data - limitation
      • not all approaches use objective methods
      • HA rejects scientific approach and focusses on individual experiences and subjective experience
      • PA makes use of the case study method which does not use representative samples
      • subject of study are active p's in research responding to demand characteristics
      • therefore a scientific approach to study of the human thought and experience may not always be desirable or possible
    • paradigm
      philosopher said any science must have a paradigm - set of principles assumptions and methods that all people who work within it agree on
      • he said psychology isnt a science as it doesnt have a paraadigm as there is so much internal disagreement at its core
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