the role of the unconscious , conscious and preconscious
freud suggested that the part of our mind we know about and are aware of - the conscious
most of our mind is made up of unconscious - has biological drives and instincts
unconscious also contains threatening and disturbing memories that have been repressed - can be accessed through dreams
preconscious - contains thoughts and memories which arent currently in conscious awareness but we can access if denied
primitive part of personality
operates on pleasure principle - id gets what it wants
unconscious drives and instincts
only Id is present at birth
entirely selfish and demands instant gratification of its needs
The Ego
works on reality principle
mediator between other two parts of the personality
does this by employing number of defence mechanisms
develops around age two
The Superego
formed at end of phallic stage
around age five
internalisation sense of right and wrong
based on morality principle - represents moral standards of the childs same gender parent and punishes ego for wrongdoing
psychosexual stages
child dev occurred in five stages
each stage is marked by different conflict that child must resolve to progress to next change
any unresolved conflicts leads to fixation where child becomes stuck and carries certain behaviours and conflicts associated with that stage through to adult life
Oral stage
0 - 1 yrs
focus of pleasure - mouth - mothers breast can be object of desire
consequence of unresolved conflict - oral fixation - smoking , biting nails , sarcastic , critical
anal stage
1 - 3 yrs
focus of pleasure - anus - child gains pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces