origins of psychology

    Cards (19)

    • introspection
      first systematic experimental attempt to study the mind by breaking up conscious awareness into the basic structures of thought ,images and sensations
    • psychology
      the scientific study of the mind , behaviour and experience
    • science
      a means of acquiring knowledge through systematic and objective investigation - aim is to discover general laws
    • first lab
      • opened by wilhelm wundt
      • 1879
      • in germany
    • what was wundts aim
      try to analyse the nature of human consciousness and represented the first systematic attempt to study the mind under controlled conditions - introspection
    • what was one of wundts main objectives
      try and develop theoris about mental processes such as language and perception
    • what were his standardised procedures
      he and his co workers recorded their experiences of various stimuli they were presented with
      • they would divide their observations into three categories - thoughts , images and sensations
    • structuralism
      isolating the structure of consciousness in this way
      • the stimuli wundt and his co workers experiences were always presented in the same order and the same instructions were issued to all participants
    • 17th-19th century
      psychology was known as experimental philosophy
    • 1879
      wilhelm wundt opened first psychology lab in germany
    • 1900s
      freud emphasises influence of unconscious mind on behaviour
      • develops psychoanalysis therapy
    • 1913
      John B Watson writes ' Psychology as the Behaviourist views it '
      then BF Skinner establishes the behaviourist approach
      PA and behaviourist approach dominate psychology for the first half of the 20th century
    • 1950s
      Rogers and Maslow develop humanistic approach rejecting behaviourist and psychodynamic view that behaviour is determined by outside factors
      Humanistic psychologists emphasise the importance of self determination and free will
    • 1950s
      • introduction of digital computer gives psychs a metaphor for the opertions of the human mind
      • vognitive approach reintroduces study of mental processes in a more scientific way than wundts investigations
    • 1960s
      Bandura proposes SLT
      • approach draws attention to role of cog factors in learning
    • 1980s onwards

      Biological approach establishes itself as dominant scientific perspective in psychology
      • due to advances in technology have increased understanding of brain and biological processes
    • eve of the 21st century
      cognitive neuroscience emerges - brings together cog and bio approaches
      cog ns investigates how biological structures influence mental states
    • 1900s behaviourists
      • value of introspection was questioned by many - mostly by watson
      • problem was that introspection produced subjective data so it was difficult to establish general laws
    • 1950s cog approach
      • digital revolution gave new gen pf psych a metaphor for studying the mind
      • cog psych likened the mind to a computer - the multi store model and tested their predictions about memory and attention using experiments
      • cog approach ensured that study of mind was once again a legitimate and highly scientific aspect of the discipline
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