Virtual Relationships

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Cards (26)

  • Who said virtual relationships are less effective because they lack non-verbal cues?
    Sproull and Klesler
  • What did Sproull and Klesler say about virtual relationships?
    Less effective as they lack non-verbal cues
  • What are people less likely to do in virtual relationships?
    Express real thoughts and feelings
  • What do virtual relationships reduce?
    Individual identity
  • What does reduction in individual identity lead to?
  • Who proposed the hyperpersonal model?
  • What does the hyperpersonal model proposed by Walther argue?
    Virtual relationships more personal and involve greater self-disclosure
  • Why does Walther argue in the hyperpersonal mode virtual relationships are more personal?
    Develops quickly and can be more intense and intimate
  • What are the two features of hyperpersonal self-disclosures?
    1 . Sender has greater control over what to disclose (selective self-presentation); manipulates self-image to appear in idealised way - self-disclosures hyperhonest/hyperdishonest
    2 . Receiver gains positive impression; gives feedback and reinforces selective self-presentation
  • What is the first feature of hyperpersonal self-disclosures?
    Sender has greater control over what to disclose (selective self-presentation); manipulates self-image to appear in idealised way - self-disclosures hyperhonest/hyperdishonest
  • What is the second feature of hyperpersonal self-disclosures?
    Receiver gains positive impression; gives feedback and reinforces selective self-presentation
  • What is important for hyperpersonal self-disclosures?
  • What does Bargin compare hyperpersonal self-disclosures to?
    Strangers on a train effect
  • Who compares hyperpersonal self-disclosures to the strangers on a train effect?
  • According to McKenna and Bargh, what is a gate?
    Any obstacle to forming a relationship
  • How is a face-to-face relationship gated?
    Involves features that can interfere with early development of a relationship
  • What are examples of gates?
    Physical unattractiveness, facial disfigurement, stammers, social anxiety
  • What is the effect of a lack of gates in virtual relationships?
    Develops to point where self-disclosure more frequent and deeper
  • Who described a gate as 'any obstacle to forming a relationship'?
    McKenna and Bargh
  • How does the absence of gating work?
    Refocusing attention on self-disclosure and away from superficial features
  • What is a benefit of gates being absent?
    Individual freed to be their 'true selves'
  • What does the absence of gates create the scope for?
    Creation of untrue identities and deception