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  • Methodology (Chapter 3)
    • It is the core of every paper as it is a proof that the scientific method was used. Through this section, their study’s validity is judged. The methodology must answer two questions:
    o    How did you collect or generate the data?
    o    How did you analyze the data?
  • Introduction of the Chapter: Write the coverage of the chapter. What will be discussed.
  • Research Design: Write about the title of the investigation and the kind of research design that will be used. Write also a conceptual definition of the research design and write also what it intends to measure.  Cite your source after the definition.
  • Research Setting: Write the place where the study will be conducted. Indicate the population/respondents of the study. Write a brief description about the respondents of the study.
  • Research Subjects: Write where your sample population will be taken. Write your sample population and any limitation/restriction, if any (e.g. at least 1 year of stay in school, at least 1 year teaching experience, etc.) Write about those who will not be included in your study (e.g. those who are holding administrative positions will not be included, those who are irregular students will not be included, etc.) Include a table if needed to show the breakdown of your respondents.
  • Research Instruments: Write the name/title of the instrument to be used in your study. Write a description of the instrument. What is it, what it intends to measure, what are its components? Write something about its validity and reliability. Write about what will be the scoring procedure. Write how the scores will be interpreted.
  • Data Gathering Procedure: Discuss how the researcher will be gathering data (distribution and collection).To whom permission will be secured? What will be done with the collected data? How will the data be analyzed?
  • Statistical Treatment: What statistical treatment will be used to answer each of the research questions (if applicable)? Write the formula for each and the source for the formula. It is important to give the reason for choosing the Statistical analysis and for what purpose.