Spirit of Capitalism

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Cards (20)

  • Weber 1905 - Spirit of Capitalism
  • Spirit of Capitalism: capitalism is unique as it is based on the systematic, efficient, rational pursuit of profit for profit's sake
  • Spirit of Capitalism has 'elective affinity' with Calvinism
  • Calvinism's 'elective affinity':
    1. Predestination
    2. Divine Transcendence
    3. Asceticism
    4. Labour as a Vocation
  • Predestination: predetermined afterlife with God's chosen 'elect'
  • Divine Transcendence: no human able to understand or know God's will thus causing a salvation panic
  • Asceticism: abstinence from luxury
  • Vocation: belief in this-worldly asceticism causing labour becoming a vocation
  • Idea of labour as a vocation ensures that that labour is constant
  • Asceticism ensures capital is reinvested
  • Capital acts as a signal from god to sign of their predestination
  • Why doesn't hinduism have an elective affinity with capitalism?
    ascetic but not other-worldly
  • Why doesn't Confucianism have an elective affinity with capitalism?
    This-worldly but not ascetic