Weber's work seen as a 'debate with Marx's ghost' due to Marx' insistence on historical materialism and that social change was only possible through material factors. Weber disagrees, cultural factors are also needed.
Katusky1927: Weber overestimates the role of ideas and underestimates the economic factors that brought capitalism to life. Capitalism preceded rather than followed Calvinism.
Tawney1926: technological change rather than religious ideas caused the birth of capitalism. Only after capitalism did the bourgeoisie adopt Calvinist beliefs to legitimate their pursuit of economic gain
Scotland - fuck loads of calvinists, no money
Marshall1982: lack of investment and skilled labour in Scotland supporting Weber's argument that both material and cultural factors must be present for capitalism to emerge
Calvinist's first capitalist class as they were excluded by law from political office and thus business was an alternative
Weberians reply that many other religious minorities were excluded from political office and yet did not become the capitalist