Main criminal justice agents are men who are thus socialised to act in a chivalrous way towards women
Pollack1950: ‘men hate to accuse women and thus send them to their punishment, police officers dislike to arrest them, district attorneys to prosecute them, judges and juries to find them guilty’
Graham and Bowling1995: used self-report study and found that whilst men were more likely to commit crime, the extent to which was exaggerated on official statistics
Flood-Page et al2000: while only 1/11 female self reported offenders had been cautioned or prosecuted, for men it was 1/7
Official Statistics support for chivalry thesis:
Females more likely to be released on bail
Females more likely to receive a fine or community sentence
Women have smaller prison sentences
1/9 female offenders received prison for shoplifting, whilst ⅕ men