Why do differences between ethnicities exist?

Cards (7)

  • Inaccurate Statistics
    Not all crime is reported or recorded (the dark figure of crime), therefore an accurate picture of crime is not possible
  • Labelling
    Racism and racial stereotyping in police culture means the behaviour of black and Asian individuals is more likely to be labelled as criminal. Therefore, police focus on these groups (leading to more arrests and more ethnic groups appearing in crime statistics). 
    In stop and searches, black and Asian individuals (especially young males) fit police stereotypes of ‘trouble makers’ and consequently are targeted. Figures published in August 2015 show black people are 17.5 times more likely than white people to be stopped are searched.
  • Institutional Racism
    2011 census showed over 40% of Londoners were from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds whilst only 10% of officers were from BME communities (and many were lower ranks)
    May 2016, the Guardian claimed there were four police forces in England and Wales that didn’t have a single black officer
  • Institutional Racism
    April 2013, black and Asian police officers declared the Metropolitan police force was still institutionally racist. Believe the police force failed to tackle institutional racism (despite training and community initiatives).
  • Institutional Racism
    1999 Macpherson Report (police investigation of murder of teenager Stephen Lawrence) found institutional racism in the police force. Argued the police (who are mainly white) tend to label particular ethnic groups and take some less seriously.1999 Macpherson Report (police investigation of murder of teenager Stephen Lawrence) found institutional racism in the police force. Argued the police (who are mainly white) tend to label particular ethnic groups and take some less seriously.
  • Social Class
    Higher levels of crime amongst black people could be linked to their social class - as they’re more likely to experience poverty and social exclusion. This can lead to criminal activity as a way to gain things they need/want
  • Media Reinforcing Views
    Criminal activity can be fuelled by the selective publication of crime statistics in the media. Through reporting certain groups of peoples’ criminal activity, black youths can be seen as a threat (even if they are doing nothing wrong). This generates a growing mistrust and hostility towards the police (from black people). This conflict often leads to more criminal activity.