First Intifada 1987-93

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  • Since 1967, Israeli troops occupied Gaza and West Bank, often arresting or deporting Palestinians and destroying houses
  • New Jewish settlements, roads and checkpoints were also built to colonise and control Palestinian areas, especially around symbolic and strategic Jerusalem city
  • During 1980s, peace process stalled, with Palestinians not getting anywhere, Sadat assassinated and other Arab states ostracising Egypt
  • December 1987 an Israeli army vehicle crashed into Palestinian lorry and killing 4; their funerals centred demonstrations leading to spontaneous riots in Gaza and West Bank
  • Israelis responded harshly, soon full-scale Palestinian uprising, ‘Intifada’, in occupied territories, not by PLO, but tried to claim it was; horrific lasting consequences for both sides led to renewed willingness for peace agreement
  • How did this restart Peace Process?
    • Israelis and Palestinians realised it was a war that could not be won; Intifada raised Palestinian morale but did not end occupation or improve living conditions
    • Palestinian leaders in Occupied Territories had o put pressure on PLO in Tunisia to accept Israel so it may accept a Palestinian state
    • US, was crucial, had sympathy for Palestinians and Jewish Americans were beginning to question Israeli actions; key breakthrough in 1988 when they recognised as PLO needed in negotiations