two pieces of info have to compete with eachother, end up clashing + results in forgetting/distortion of one or both pieces
other factors affect interference: similarity + time sensitivity
proactive interference:
occurs when older memory interferes with new memory
retroactive interference:
occurs when a new memory interferes with an older one
research on effects of similarity (mcGeoch + mcDonald):
learn a set of 10 words until they could recall 100%
gave a second list to remember: synonyms, antonyms, unrelated words, consonant syllables, 3 digit numbers, no new list (control group)
mcgeoch + mcdonald findings:
most similar material produced worst recall - interference greatest when memories are most similar
recall of first list depended on nature of second list
EVALUATION: real world interference
baddeley + hitch asked rugby players to recall names of teams they played - those that played most had worst recall
result of retroactive interference - learning new info interfered with old
interference can operate in real world situations, increases validity
EVALUATION: limited explanation
may only offer limited explanation of forgetting in everyday situations
conditions are relatively rare, very unlike lab studies as researchers can create ideal conditions for interference - two memories have to be fairly similar which doesnt happen often
forgetting can be explained by other theories e.g retrieval failure - low external validity
EVALUATION: validity issue
most supporting evidence is lab based, cant be generalised - researchers able to control CVs so studies show clear link between interference + forgetting
time periods between lists+ recall is brief - not applicable to real life
combination of artificial materials + unrealistic procedures pose problems to theory - may not be valid explanation