Milgram conducted his original research in a laboratory of Yale University and found 65% obeyed.
Milgram conducted a variation in a run-down office building in Bridgeport, USA and found obedience levels dropped to 47.5%.
Less credible locations can result in reduced levels of obedience.
If the location is perceived to have more scientific status or prestige, people are more likely to obey.
Supporting evidence from Milgram's variation in a run-down office building in Bridgeport, USA and found obedience levels dropped to 47.5%.
Milgram's original experiment at the prestigious Yale University found obedience levels to be 65%.
Modigliani & Rochat (1995) reviewed the transcripts from Milgram's variation at the run-down office block, and found the earlier people protested, the less likely they were to obey.
Milgram changed the location of the obedience study.
He conducted a variation of the study in a run down building rather than the prestigious university setting.
The obedience rate dropped to 47.5%.
This is still quite a high level of obedience rating but it is less than the original 65%.