The Psychodynamic Approach

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  • Freud viewed the adult personality as having three basic components - Id, Ego & Superego
  • Id = instinct part of the personality and we are born with it
    • Source of our unconscious desires and impulses
    • Demands instant gratification of its needs, which consist of hunger, thirst and sex
  • Ego:
    • Represents our conscious mind
    • Develops around the age of 2-3 years
    • Purpose to balance the id in society
    • Child realises the demand of the id cannot always be met
    • Ego = logical
  • Super ego:
    • Formed around the ge of 5-6 and contains our moral values - operates on morality principle
    • Ensures that the ego does not use unacceptable means to satisfy the demands of the id
  • Repression
    • Frued states that we unconsciously block out painful memories
    • Evidence from childbirth - many women do not remember the pain of childbirth
  • Denial
    Refusal to accept reality
    • Recovery is only possible once reality has been accepted
  • Displacement
    • Redirection of hostile feeling towards a more acceptable target
  • Denial is when the  ego ignores the  super-ego , and refuses to believe it has given in to the id .