The Case Study of Little Hans

Cards (6)

  • Aim: To discover evidence to support the Oedipus complex and displacement theories
  • Procedure: Little Han’s father = supporter of Freud and corresponded with him about his sons’s fear of horses
    • He recorded the conversations he had with the boy between the ages of 3-5 and accounts of his dreams
  • Results:
    Little Hans’ obsession with his ‘widdler’ and his mother, showed that he was in the phallic stage of psychosexual sexual development and had an unresolved Oedipus complex.
  • Conclusion: Little Hans’ phobia of horses was a displaced fear of his father
  • Stregnths of Little Hans Study:
    • In depth and detailed
    • Lead to the development of therapy - the ‘talking cure’
  • Weaknesses of Little Hans Study:
    • Unfalsifiable
    • Cannot generalise due to it being a case study
    • Other more plausible explanations for his fear of horses - Behaviourism