Multi-store model

Cards (4)

  • Sensory Register
    Holds sensory information while we process it.
    Coding = Sensory coding (5 senses)
    Capacity = Very large
    Duration = Very short (1-2 sec)
  • Short term memory
    Temporary store of memory
    Duration = 18 seconds
    Coding = Acoustic
    Capacity = Very large (1-2 seconds)
    ->You need to pay attention to move information from the sensory register to STM
  • Long term memory
    Permanent store of information
    Duration = Large (supposedly a life time)
    Coding = Semantic
    Capacity = Large (supposedly unlimited)
    -> Information needs to be rehearsed for it to move from STM to LTM.
  • A03
    Strength)Baddeley found that we mix up words that sound similar when using STMs and that we mix up semantically similar words when using LTM's. -> Supports the MSM's view that these two memory stores are independent of each other.
    Limitation) Patient KF had amnesia that affected his STM. He couldn't recall information that was read out to him but he could recall it when read. -> MSM is wrong to claim that there is just 1 type of STM.
    Limitation) The MSM is a bygone model that doesn't account for research findings and it oversimplifies STM.