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  • Capacity of STM
    Millers literature review research showed that organising information in chunks enabled the STM to cope with about 7 chunks.
    Limitation)Didn't specify how much a "chunk" is.
  • Duration of STM
    Peterson gave participants 3 letter trigrams alongside a 3 digit number they had to count backwards from at timed intervals. He found that the larger the interval the less accurate the recall. Concluded that a persons duration is from 0-18 seconds.
    Limitation)Had low ecological validity because trigrams are meaningless stimuli which don't represent everyday memory.
  • Duration of LTM
    Bahrick gave 392 American graduates photographs from their year book and asked them to give the each photo a name. He found that 90% of participants could accurately recall their classmates name even after 14 years.
    Strength)High ecological validity because he used real life memories.