Interference theory

Cards (12)

  • Interference is when one memory blocks another, causing one or both memories to be distorted or forgotten.
  • Proactive interference is when past information's/memories interferes with newer memories.
  • Retroactive interference is when recent memories interferes with older memories.
  • McGeoch & McDonald
    Studied R.I by changing the amount of similarity between two sets of material. Participants had to learn a list of 10 words and then had to learn another list(s) which varied in similarity to the original.
    They found recall was worse when the material was synonymous with the original list.
    -> Shows interference is strongest when memories are similar.
  • Strength)Allen Baddeley & Hitch asked 2 types of rugby players the names of the teams they played against in their season.
    The first type, who didn't participate in any recent games due to injuries, recalled names of teams well.
    The other types, those who participated in all games, recalled worse.
    ->Real world evidence increases the validity of the study.
  • Limitation) Interference is temporary and can be overcome using cues. Tulving gave participants lists of words organised into categories, one list at a time. Recall was high on the first list but progressively got worse the more lists learnt.
    Tulving then gave participants a cued test where recall rose.
    ->Suggests forgetting is better explained by retrieval failure due to lack of cues.
  • Retrieval Failure due to absence of cues is when a memory is still available but not accessible unless a suitable cue is provided.
  • Context-dependant forgetting- recall depends on external cues (weather, place, environment.)
  • State-dependant forgetting- recall depends on internal cues (feeling upset, being drunk).
  • Godden & Baddeley
    Studied C.D.F b gving deep sea divers a list of words to learn in 4 conditions.
    ->Learn on land, recall underwater = worse
  • Carter & Cassidy
    Gave participants harmless drugs and a list of words to learn in 4 conditions.
    ->Learn on drugs, recall w/o drugs = worse recall
    ->Learn on drugs, recall w/ drugs = good recall (vice versa)
  • Strength)Real world application
    -> In everyday life we may forget something but recall it immediately when going into a specific room in your house.