
Cards (3)

  • Outcome studies
    • NICE schizophrenia review 2014 (meta-analysis) - CBTp with drugs, compared to just drugs
    • CBTp was effective - reduced hospitalisation rates, reduced symptom severity, and improved social functioning
    • Wykes et al. - other benefits for comorbid conditions; improved low mood, reduced anxiety
  • Counterpoint to outcome studies
    • Jüni et al. - problems with methodology; no controls, no random allocation, not blind, therefore overstates effectiveness
    • Jauhar et al. - after methodologically unsound studies were removed, only tiny therapeutic effect, benefits likely overstated
  • Lack of benefit for acute phase
    • Addington & Addington - Not useful in the initial/acute phase; self-reflection is difficult for schizophrenics in this stage
    • Once stabilised with antipsychotics, group-based CBTp is effective