Cards (8)

  • Scientists use RESEARCH & MONITORING to uncover how different energy resources affect the planet.
    • They can detect issues like pollution & suggest ways to lessen these effects.
  • SCIENCE plays a crucial role in pinpointing environmental problems caused by energy use.

    A method to trap CO2 emissions from factories before they reach the atmosphere, helping to combat GLOBAL WARMING.
  • Environmental problems - POLITICAL:
    Governments need to create & enforce LAWS that protect the environment.
    • So they might limit harmful emissions or support clean energy projects.
  • Environmental problems - social:
    People have to back efforts to use energy wisely & support green initiatives.
    • Public opinion can push for changes like recycling programs or buying electric cars.
  • Environmental problems - ethical:
    It's about being FAIR.
    • It's not right if one country gets all the clean energy while another suffers pollution.
    • Or if future generations inherit a damaged earth because of our energy choices today.
  • Environmental problems - economic:
    Environmental solutions must be COST-EFFECTIVE.
    • If a green technology is too expensive, it won’t be used widely.
    • Economies need solutions that are AFFORDABLE to make a lasting change.
  • Science gives us the tools to identify & fix environmental issues from energy use. However, for these solutions to work, they need to be backed by:
    • supportive policies
    • public approval
    • moral responsibility
    • economic practicality