
Cards (33)

  • What are some signs of plant diseases?
    Growths, malformed stems, discolouration
  • How can gardening manuals help in identifying plant diseases?
    They provide information on symptoms and treatments
  • What is one method for laboratory testing of infected plants?
    Testing kits containing monoclonal antibodies
  • What is a hygiene practice to control the spread of diseases?
    Hand washing and disinfecting surfaces
  • Why is isolation important in controlling disease spread?
    It prevents infected individuals from spreading diseases
  • How can controlling vectors help in disease prevention?
    It stops the spread of diseases by reducing vector populations
  • What is the role of vaccination in disease control?
    It protects large numbers of individuals against diseases
  • What is a non-communicable disease?
    A disease that cannot be spread between organisms
  • What is rose black spot and how is it spread?
    It is a disease spread by water and wind
  • What are symptoms of rose black spot?
    Purple/black spots on leaves that turn yellow and make leaves drop early
  • How does rose black spot affect photosynthesis?
    It reduces the plant's ability to photosynthesize
  • What is the prevention method for rose black spot?
    Using fungicides and removing affected leaves
  • What disease is caused by protists and how is it spread?
    Malaria, spread by mosquitoes
  • What are symptoms of malaria?
    Recurrent fever
  • What are prevention methods for malaria?
    Mosquito nets and anti-malarial medicine
  • How do bacteria reproduce and what can they produce?
    Bacteria reproduce rapidly and can produce toxins
  • What is Salmonella and how is it spread?
    It is a bacteria spread by contaminated food
  • What are symptoms of Salmonella infection?
    Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps
  • What is the prevention method for Salmonella?
    Poultry vaccination to control spread
  • How is gonorrhea spread?
    By direct sexual contact
  • What are symptoms of gonorrhea?
    Thick yellow-green discharge and pain urinating
  • What is the treatment for gonorrhea?
    Antibiotics, though resistant strains exist
  • How do viruses reproduce inside an organism?
    They live and reproduce rapidly, damaging cells
  • What are symptoms of measles?
    Fever and rash
  • How is measles spread?
    By inhalation of droplets from coughing
  • What is the prevention method for measles?
    Vaccination of young children
  • How is HIV spread?
    By sexual contact and exchange of bodily fluids
  • What are symptoms of HIV?
    Flu-like symptoms leading to AIDS
  • What is TMV and how is it spread?
    TMV is a virus spread by direct contact of plants
  • What are symptoms of TMV?
    Mosaic pattern and discoloration on leaves
  • How does TMV affect photosynthesis?
    It reduces the plant's ability to photosynthesize
  • What is a communicable disease?
    A disease that can be spread between organisms
  • What is the difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases?
    Communicable diseases can spread; non-communicable cannot