
Subdecks (19)

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  • Cellular respiration
    an exothermic reaction that occurs continuously in the mitochondria of living cells to supply the cells with energy
  • Oxygen debt
    the amount of oxygen needed to react with the lactic acid accumulated during anaerobic respiration to remove it from cells
  • Aerobic respiration
    complete oxidation of glucose resulting in a large amount of energy being released
  • Anaerobic respiration
    incomplete oxidation of glucose leading to much less energy being released per glucose molecule than in aerobic respiration
  • Lactic acid
    a substance that builds up in the muscles during anaerobic respiration
  • Metabolism
    the sum of all the reactions in a cell or the body, including the synthesis and breakdown of molecules
  • Fermentation
    anaerobic respiration in yeast cells, represented by the conversion of glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide
  • Glucose
    a simple sugar that serves as a primary energy source in cellular respiration
  • Lipids
    molecules that include fats and oils, synthesized from glycerol and fatty acids
  • Proteins
    molecules composed of amino acids, involved in various cellular functions
  • Mitochondria
    organelles that contain enzymes for aerobic respiration in cells
  • Oxidation
    the process of complete breakdown of glucose to release energy in aerobic respiration
  • Carbohydrates
    molecules that include sugars, starch, and cellulose, used as energy sources in respiration