AO3: Diagnosis

Cards (6)

  • Strength: Good reliability
    What? Good reliability
    Who? Osorio - excellent reliability in diagnosis of 180 individuals; inter-rater reliability of +97
    Why? Consistently applied
  • Limitation: Low validity
    What? Low validity
    Who? Cheniaux - Same 100 clients - 68 diagnosed with ICD system and 39 under DSM (criterion validity)
    Why? Over/under diagnosing
  • Limitation: Co-morbidity
    What? Co-morbidity
    Who? Buckley - half diagnosed w/ schizophrenia had depression/substance abuse
    Why? Not distinct condition
  • Limitation: Gender bias
    What? Gender bias
    Who? Fischer and Buchanan - Men diagnosed more; women less vulnerable than men; women more supported
    Why? Women not receiving treatment
  • Limitation: Culture bias
    What? Culture bias
    Who? Symptoms have different meanings in cultures - Haiti; voices are communications + overinterpretation of symptoms in black British people
    Why? British African-Caribbean people discriminated against
  • Limitation: Symptom overlap
    What? Symptom overlap
    Who? Overlap between positive/negative symptoms in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
    Why? Not distinct condition