The Hypodermic Syringe Model is how media injects its influence into the veiwer
Steps of the Hypodermic Syringe Model are;
Knowledge Transmission
Stimulating desire for unaffordable goods
Glamorising Offending
BBC Panorama found that Martinez's interest in the film 'Natural Born Killers' may have been inspiration for the murder of his step-sister and halfsister
Schramm et al argues that media doesn't cause crime in children as it depends on the circumstances the effect it would have
Livingstone says that people are preoccupied with the impact of media on childhood as people desired to treat childhood as a time of uncontaminated innocence
Lea & Young says mass media has disseminated a standardised image of lifestyle, which has accentuated the sense of relative deprivation
Merton argues that the pressure to conform to societal norms due to media can cause deviant behaviour
Hayward & Young say that a late-modern society is media-saturated and people are immersed in a media landscape which makes it impossible to separate real life and fiction in crime, making crimes occur for the camera
Corporations have adopted images of crime and its thrills to sell their products
Ferwick and Hayward say crime is packaged and marketed to young people as romantic, exciting, cool and fashionable
Hayward & Young argue that advertisers use 'guerrilla marketing' techniques such as 'brandalism', were advertising takes on a controversial, almost protest esque form