Cards (18)

  • Moral entrepreneurs are people who disapprove of a particular behaviour so use media to put pressure on authorities to 'do something
  • A moral panic as an exaggerated, over-rection by society to a perceived problem
  • An example of a moral panic is Dangerous Dogs act
  • Often the Crackdown on a group due to a moral panic can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy of crime
  • Cohen studied Mods and Rockers, which is an example of a Moral Panic leading to a Deviancy Amplification Spiral
  • However, Functionalists say that moral panics are a way of responding to the sense of anomie
  • Neo-Marxists consider moral panics in the context of capitalism
  • Hall et al argue that the moral panic around Black Muggers was created to divide working class people on the ground of race
  • The 1950s Moral Panics were Teddy Boys, Drugs and psuedo-intellectualism
  • the 1960s Moral Panic was Mods & Rockers
  • The 1970s Moral Panic was political violence in Northern Ireland
  • The 1980s Moral Panic was Dangerous Dogs
  • The 1990s Moral Panic was Travellers
  • The 2000s Moral Panic was Bogus Asylum Seekers
  • The 2010s Moral Panic was Knife and Gun Crime
  • However, those who propose Media creates Moral Panics do not state what the appropriate reaction to crime and deviance should be
  • Beck says we live in a risk society that means Moral Panics are harder to create as society is filled with endless risks and uncertainties
  • Folk Devils are the group that Moral Panics demonise