wind & solar

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    generated by wind turbines which have blades that spin due to the wind.
    • This spinning action turns a generator which produces electricity, which can then be transported to the national grid.
    It convert the kinetic energy from the wind into electrical energy.
  • Pros of wind power:
    • Clean & Renewable Energy, Generates electricity without producing greenhouse gases or other harmful emissions.
    • Low Operating Costs, wind farms have minimal ongoing costs for fuel.
    Job Creation - The wind energy industry creates jobs in:
    • manufacturing
    • installation
    • maintenance
    • operation
    of wind farms.
    • They get cheaper every year
  • Cons of wind power:
    • Can be visually disruptive in some landscapes & their rotating blades can generate noise that may disturb nearby communities.
    High Initial Costs:
    • Setting up wind farms requires significant upfront investment for turbines, towers, & infrastructure.
    Impact on Wildlife:
    • Rotating blades pose a risk of collision for birds.
  • Solar cells (photovoltaic cells) in solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity.
  • Pros on solar cells:
    • Low running costs
    • they get cheaper every year
    • Once installed, solar panels require minimal ongoing maintenance, leading to long-term cost savings.
    Clean & Renewable Energy:
    • Solar energy relies on sunlight, a clean resource, generating electricity without harmful emissions.
  • Cons on solar cells:
    Weather dependence:
    • Solar power production varies depending on weather conditions, affecting overall energy output.
    Limited space:
    • Setting up large-scale solar farms require significant land area, potentially impacting other land uses.
    High Initial Costs - Installing solar panels requires significant upfront investment, including:
    • equipment
    • installation
    • potential grid connection fees
  • Wind turbines are generally placed in exposed areas like mall or coasts, where there’s lots of strong winds.
  • The cons of wind power are:
    Unreliable & Intermittent: 
    • Wind speed is variable
    • If the wind doesn’t blow then they don’t generate any electricity.
    • There’s no way to increase supply in terms of peak demand.
    They take up a lot of land space as you need so many of them to produce a serious amount of power.
  • You're likely to see solar cells in:
    Low energy devices like:
    • On the front of calculators
    • watches
    So we don’t have to replace batteries.
    • Large scale solar farms
    • Roofs
    • sun gives out heat & light energy
    • The sun's energy can be used to heat cells directly in solar heating panels.
    • Solar panels then generates electrical energy.
    • Wind has kinetic energy, that can be used to rotate turbines to spin & generate electricity.
  • Suggest why wind power wouldn't be able to meet demand:
    • wind power is unreliable, the mean power output that day might have no been enough to meet the demand.
    • wind might have been too light that little power was produced.