a hydrocarbon-containing material formed naturally in the earth's crust from the remains of dead plants and animals like:
COAL (solid)
crude OIL (liquid)
NATURAL GAS (gaseous)
These fuels continue to be a major energy source worldwide due to their HIGH ENERGY CONTENT & ease of EXTRACTION.
Fossil fuels cons:
Non-Renewable Resource
expensive to buy
Environmental Impact:
Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change, air pollution, global dimming & acid rain.
Health Risks:
Air pollution from fossil fuel combustion like sulphur dioxide & carbon monoxide can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases & other health issues.
Water Pollution:
Extraction & processing of fossil fuels can lead to water pollution through spills, leaks & wastewater discharge.
Energy by nuclear reactions & from atoms, particularly uranium or plutonium, through nuclear fission in nuclear power stations.
This energy can be used to generate electricity, which can then be transmitted to homes & factories across the country.
Nuclear fission:
A process that releases a considerable amount of energy & is then used to heat water.
Producing steam that drives turbines to generate electricity.
Cons of nuclear power plants:
Nuclear Waste:
Radioactive waste generated during nuclear power production remains hazardous for thousands of years.
High Initial Costs:
The building & commissioning requires a significant upfront investment (can be a financial barrier)
Safety Concerns:
Accidents at nuclear power plants can have catastrophic consequences, raising concerns about public safety & environmental contamination.
Non-Renewable Resource:
Uranium is a finite resource that will eventually deplete.
Fossil fuels may be burned to provide heat. That heat can be used in multiple different ways:
Burned to provide heat for direct use (e.g. cooking)
To power engines (e.g. the internal combustion engines in cars)
To generate electricity
Pros of fossil fuels:
They're widely readily Available globally.
Historically, they have been a relatively cheap source of energy, but prices can fluctuate due to various factors.
Reliable & Predictable - Fossil fuel power plants can easily meet energy demands.
Much of our current infrastructure is designed to run using fossil fuels
Most of our cars use petrol or diesel (both made from crude oil).
High Energy Density:
They store a large amount of energy in a relatively small volume.
So it's a convenient & efficient source of energy.
Pros of nuclear power plant:
Reliable & Baseload Power, it doesn't depend on environmental forces like sunshine or wind.
Low Operating Costs due to the high energy density of nuclear fuel.
Although nuclear fuel (like uranium) is a limited resource, it's very unlikely to run out for a very long time.
Clean & Carbon-Free Electricity:
They do not release greenhouse gases or air pollutants during electricity generation (contributing to a cleaner environment & combating climate change).
High Energy Density:
They produce a large amount of electricity from a small amount of fuel.
Cons of nuclear power plants:
Accidents at nuclear power plants can have catastrophic consequences.
Raising concerns about public safety & environmental contamination.
Uranium is a non-Renewable Resource
Radioactive waste generated during nuclear power production, remains hazardous for thousands of years.
There's a very small chance of a nuclear meltdown which could release large amounts of radioactive material into the environment.
High Initial Costs - The building & commissioning requires a significant upfront investment (can be a financial barrier).
coal has chemical energy
burning coal produces thermal energy
heat energy is used to heat water
this produces steam
steam drives the turbine
turbine spins & generates electricity
Uranium nucleus has nuclear energy.
fission of uranium produces heat energy, used to heat water to produce steam.
steam drives the turbines that spins & generates electricity.