Subdecks (2)

Cards (17)

  • When were the reforms passed?
  • What were the problems?
    • Range of courts so took years to resolve
    • Illiterate judges so the Secretaries were bribed to enhance lifestyle
    • Adjudicate to rules such as noble over peasant and man over womans word
    • Defendant never saw judge so written evidence was rarely challenged
    • Police levied fines and bribery
  • what were the reforms based off of?
    • western courts
  • the jJudicial system was simplified with less courts
  • judges are paid good salaries, oermament and independently placed meaning they cannot b threatened for their rulings
  • jury’s for serious criminal cases = power removed from state + oral testimonies and witnesses could be challenged + juries decision was privatised to protect them
  • Jusitice o peace introduced for smaller crimes
    • appeals went to higher court
  • peasant cases remained in peasant courts and illiterate judges