Cards (5)

    • fairer trials nd greater justice
    • Court proceedings ere public which meant that they were fairer and less corruption of admin to pervert course of justice
  • Justice of peace courts worked quickly and cost nothing to those appearin in them
    • protected small man against the local officials
    • dispense equitable judgements
  • during 60’s ad 70’s an educated legal sector emerged and were trained in law and arguments
    • some became revolutionaries or parliamentarians in Duma
  • challenged political authority :
  • challanged political authority
    1. Independant courts and judges = independent source of authority - public conscious + rule of law
    2. courtroorms gave way for genuine free speech as state could be challenged -defence lawyers critiqued regime and newspapers reported
    3. Juries were independant and aquitted cases such as Vera zazulich who shot the governor of st Petersburg who was cruel