Social policy

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  • Abortion act 1967
    • Regressive policy
    • Response to already alarming 1000 illegal abortions weekly and their impacts
  • Contraceptive pill 1967
    Offered to all women and society became homogenous - response to already emerged ideas within the sixties
  • What changed in TV
    • BBC monopoly ends and Hugh Green - director encourages satire, populism and realistic dramas
    • Pushes out permissiveness ans social conventions change
  • tv stats
    1961 - 75% have tv
    1971 - 91% have tv
  • What do radio changes do?
    • Allow for personal devices which led to pirate radio stations and multiple audiences - moving away from homogeneity
  • The sun launched in 1964
    • popular
  • Reduction in censorship :
    • Theatrical censorship abolished in 1968
    • Private members bill with Roy Jenkins support
    • Films nad to with more daring scenes - abortion, Audrey and illegitimacy such as Wednesdays play were allowed
  • Betting and gaming act 1960
  • 1961 Suicide act was progressive
  • 1961 Contraceptive pill ofr married women
    1967 - all women
  • 1961 Education act was progressive as it allowed for lower class to attend uni w grants
  • 1965 Race relations act outlawed racial discrimination which was progressive
  • 1967 sexua offences act decriminalised homosexuality for men
  • 1969 representation of the peoples act lowered voting age to 8
  • 1970 equal pay was progressive
  • 2 per 1000 marriages rises to 10 by 1970 - women’s independance but also divorce Act
  • David steel and Roy Jenkins pass the abortional legislation supported by public after Thalomide disaster
  • Education reforms :
    • Tripartite Appeared as socially divisive
    • 30 polytechnics
    • open university - 1971 began
  • Permissiveness was exaggerated as the dangerous drugs act and reports highlighted the restraint o society