Death penalty

Cards (6)

  • Abolitionists argued that statistics showed that countries which ended death penalty had not resulted in hither murder rates
  • What were the three main cases :
    • Timothy Evan’s
    • Ruth Ellis
    • Derek Bentley
  • What was the timothy evans case?
    • Innocent for the crime he was executed for
    • Neighbour Christie was a constable who murdered his daughter and wife and framed him
    • False confessions were unknown
  • What was the derek Bentley case?
    • Convicted of murder
    • 200 mp’s sign a petition against it as he was feeble minded
    • Murder was committed 15 minutes after his arrest
  • what was the case of ruth Ellis?
    • Abusive relationship so she killed man
    • Didn’t factor in provocation and abuse
    • Attracted large public sympathy as she was a pretty blonde
  • Sidney Silverman pioneered the bill which became law in 1965 and permanent in 1969