Cards (49)

    • What mnemonic is used to remember Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the video?
      The attempted robbery of the Mona Lisa
    • What color is used to represent Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the video?
      Pink and red
    • What does the pink color in the Gram stain indicate about Pseudomonas?
      It is a gram-negative organism
    • What shape is Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
      Rod-shaped (bacillus)
    • What does the American flag in the video symbolize regarding Pseudomonas?
      It is a flagellated motile organism
    • What does the statue of a cat represent in the context of Pseudomonas?
      Pseudomonas is catalase positive
    • What does a positive catalase test indicate?
      Bubbles indicate catalase positivity
    • What does the scene with the holes in the wall represent?
      Pseudomonas utilizes a type 3 secretion system
    • What does the sack in the video symbolize?
      Pseudomonas has a polysaccharide capsule
    • What does the blue necklace worn by the woman represent?
      Pseudomonas is oxidase positive
    • What does a positive oxidase test indicate?
      The disc turns blue or purple
    • What does the inhaler symbolize in the video?
      Pseudomonas is an obligate aerobe
    • What infection does Pseudomonas cause related to the woman's urination?
      Pseudomonas causes urinary tract infections
    • What does the guard eating grapes represent?
      Pseudomonas produces a grape-like fruity odor
    • What do the blue and green colors on the wall signify?
      Pseudomonas produces a blue-green pigment
    • What are the compounds responsible for the blue-green pigment?
      Pyocyanin and pyoverdine
    • What does the exploding oxygen tank represent?
      Reactive oxygen species
    • What do pyocyanin and pyoverdine generate?
      Reactive oxygen species
    • What does the guard with the baton symbolize?
      Exotoxin A and elongation factor 2
    • What does exotoxin A disrupt?
      Protein synthesis by inhibiting elongation factor 2
    • What does the sign hanging by clothespins represent?
      Pseudomonas produces phospholipase C
    • What does phospholipase C do?
      Degrades cell membranes
    • What does the smoke grenade symbolize?
      Pseudomonas produces an endotoxin
    • What does the bolt of electricity represent?
      Shock caused by the endotoxin
    • What does the burn victim represent?
      Pseudomonas causes skin infections in burn victims
    • What does the salt in the water softener symbolize?
      Cystic fibrosis related to sodium chloride regulation
    • What does the coughing represent?
      Pseudomonas causes pneumonia in cystic fibrosis patients
    • What does biofilm formation in cystic fibrosis patients lead to?
      Chronic pneumonia
    • What do night-vision goggles symbolize?
      Pseudomonas causes keratitis and corneal ulcers
    • What does the stretcher symbolize?
      Pseudomonas causes eczema gangrenosum in immunocompromised patients
    • What does the red and black wound represent?
      Eczema gangrenosum characterized by necrotic ulcer
    • What does the headset symbolize?
      Pseudomonas causes otitis externa (swimmer's ear)
    • What does the dyed beads in the thief's hair represent?
      Diabetics are more commonly affected by Pseudomonas
    • What does the decorative water fountain symbolize?
      Pseudomonas causes hot tub folliculitis
    • What does the coffee symbolize?
      Pseudomonas causes sepsis
    • What do the ambulance and nurse represent?
      Pseudomonas is associated with nosocomial infections
    • What does the drug addict symbolize?
      Pseudomonas is associated with drug addicts
    • What does the scaly appearing vest represent?
      Pseudomonas causes osteomyelitis
    • What does the car symbolize?
      Pseudomonas causes endocarditis
    • What is the treatment for Pseudomonas mentioned in the video?
      Fluoroquinolones, cefepime, piperacillin
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