What 4 methods do psychologists use when it comes to studying aggression and the media?
Experimental Studies
Correlational Studies
Longitudinal Studies
What is an experimental Study?
Usually lab based and look at short-term effects
What are Correlational Studies?
These can investigate real life variables and may be short-term or long-term
What are Longitudinal Studies?
Correlational studies conducted over a period of time looking at long-term effects
What is a Meta-analysis?
Brings together a variety of studies to give an overall judgement of the size of effect of violent media and aggressive behaviour
Bartholow and Anderson - Experimental Study:
Lab study where students played for 10 minutes on either a violent videogame (Mortal Kombat) or non-violent videogame (PGA tournament golf)
They were then asked to carry out the TaylorCompetitiveReactionTimeTask (TCRTT)
This is a standard lab measure of aggression in which students are told to deliver blasts if white noise to punish a non-existent opponent
Findings - Those who played the violent videogame selected significantly higher noise levels compared to non-violent players
DeLisi et al - Correlational Study
Studied 227 juvenile offenders
They all had histories of serious and aggressive behaviours such as hitting a teacher or parent or gang fighting
Used structured interviews they gathered data on several measures of aggression and violent computer game playing
Offenders aggressive behaviour was significantlycorrelated with how often they played violent computer games and how much they enjoyed them
Robertson et al - Longitudinal Study:
Studied 1037 people born in New Zealand in 1972-1973 and measured their regular TV viewing hours at regular intervals up to the age of 26
Found that time spent watching TV was a more reliable predictor of aggression in adulthood (measured in terms of convictions for aggressive and violent crimes)
Those who spent the most time watching TV were more likely to develop antisocialpersonality disorder
Anderson et al - Meta-analysis:
136 studies which included all 3 types of methodology
Found that exposure to violent computer games was associated with increases in aggressive behaviours, thoughts, and feelings
True for both males and females and across individualist and collectivist cultures
Concluded that the effect of violent game playing on aggressive behaviours is greater than the effect of second-hand smoke on cancer
No indication that publication bias influenced the results
Strengths of Bartholow and Anderson's study:
Control of variables
High internal validity
Weaknesses of Bartholow and Anderson's study:
Artificial task
Low internal validity
Unrealistic due to no fear of retaliation
Strengths of DeLisi et al's research:
Allows researcher to investigate realistic forms of aggression
Weaknesses of DeLisi et al's research:
Does not show causation
No variables are manipulated
Strengths of Robertson et al's research:
Rapidly changing nature of media influence can be studied over time
Weaknesses of Robertson et al's research:
These types of studies are vulnerable to confounding variables such as role models, family and friends etc...
Strength of Anderson et al's study:
This analysis shows no indication of publication bias
Weakness of Anderson et al's research:
Publication bias is when only findings that are significant are published - often non significant findings are called the file drawer problem as they are left in the filing cabinet