
Subdecks (2)

Cards (43)

  • What theory does Interactionism relate to in this context?
    Labelling theory
  • What do Interactionists believe about facts?
    They are socially constructed
  • How is crime viewed by Interactionists?
    As socially constructed
  • What do Interactionists focus on regarding crime?
    Who becomes labelled as a criminal
  • What is primary deviance according to Lemert?
    A violation without long-term consequences
  • How does primary deviance affect self-image?
    It doesn't hurt self-image
  • What is secondary deviance?
    Change in self-concept due to labelling
  • What is a master label?
    The main label someone has
  • Who proposed that "deviance is in the eye of the beholder"?
  • How do social groups create deviance?
    By applying rules and labelling people
  • What does moral panic theory involve?
    Creation of a criminal through labelling
  • What happens to a boy labelled as an offender?
    He sees himself as an offender
  • What is the outcome of gaining a master status as an offender?
    Lives life according to that status
  • How is a deviant defined according to Becker?
    As someone successfully labelled
  • Who are moral entrepreneurs?
    Promoters of moral panics
  • What do moral entrepreneurs create?
    A new group of outsiders
  • What happens to laws during a moral panic?
    They may change or die off
  • What is the concept introduced by Cohen regarding deviance?
    Deviance Amplification Spiral
  • How does deviance expand according to Cohen?
    It is covered by control agencies
  • What happens to deviance when it is amplified and broadcasted?
    It reaches a wider population
  • Who proposed the deviance amplification theory?
  • What is the main idea of Braithwaite's approach to labeling?
    Label the act, not the person
  • What is disintegrative shaming according to Braithwaite?
    Labeling leads to internalization and self-fulfilling prophecy
  • What is reintegrative shaming?
    Judging the act, not the person
  • How does labeling low-level deviance affect crime rates according to Triplett?
    It increases the chance of it occurring
  • What policy did New Labour introduce related to deviance?
    ASBOS (Anti-Social Behaviour Order)
  • What is the social perception of ASBOS according to the study material?
    It is seen as a badge of honour
  • What are the key components of the deviance amplification spiral?
    • Deviance is covered by control agencies
    • Amplification and broadcasting to the public
    • Results in increased awareness and occurrence of deviance
  • What are the differences between disintegrative and reintegrative shaming?
    Disintegrative Shaming:
    • Labels the individual
    • Leads to internalization and self-fulfilling prophecy

    Reintegrative Shaming:
    • Labels the act
    • Less likely to lead to negative self-identity