
Cards (14)

  • Who conducted the study on the negotiation of justice?
    Aaron Cicourel
  • How do officers' stereotypes influence their decisions to arrest?
    They lead officers to focus on certain types
  • What class bias did Cicourel find in law enforcement practices?
    Working-class areas were patrolled more intensively
  • What did Cicourel find about probation officers' views on juvenile delinquency?
    They believed it was caused by broken homes
  • How did probation officers' stereotypes affect their support for non-custodial sentences?
    They were less likely to support them
  • According to Cicourel, how is justice characterized?
    Justice is negotiable, not fixed
  • What happens when a middle-class youth is arrested, according to Cicourel?
    He is less likely to be charged
  • Why are middle-class youths less likely to be charged?
    They fit the police's stereotype less
  • What role do parents play in the negotiation of justice for middle-class youths?
    They can negotiate successfully on their behalf
  • What typically happens to middle-class youths after arrest?
    They are counselled, warned, and released
  • What implications does Cicourel's study have for official crime statistics?
    They do not provide a valid picture of crime
  • How should crime statistics be treated according to Cicourel?
    As a topic for sociological investigation
  • What should sociologists investigate regarding crime statistics?
    The processes that created the statistics
  • What does investigating crime statistics reveal about control agencies?
    How they process and label people as criminal