14 Points of Quaid-e-azam

Cards (14)

  • 14 Points of Quaid-e-azam
    1. Separate Electorate for Muslims
  • 14 Points of Quaid-e-azam
    2. Muslim majority province to be kept Muslim majority
  • 14 Points of Quaid-e-azam
    3. 1/3rd seats for Muslims
  • 14 Points of Quaid-e-azam
    4. Introduction of Reforms to
  • 14 Points of Quaid-e-azam
    5. Reserved seats in Govt. Jobs for Muslims
  • 14 Points of Quaid-e-azam
    6. Religious liberty for all
  • 14 Points of Quaid-e-azam
    7. Federal system introduction
  • 14 Points of Quaid e azam
    8. 1/3rd Muslim Ministers in;
  • 14 Points of Quaid e azam
    9. Sindh to be declared a separate province
  • 10. Constitutional amendments after obtaining approval from
  • 14 Points of Quaid e azam
    11. Constitutional protection of Muslim
  • 14 Points of Quaid e azam
    12. If a bill belonging to particular religious community, NOT passed. If 3/4 members of that com "OPPOSE BILL" then Bill rejected.
  • 14 Points of Quaid e azam
    13. Provincial autonomy for ALL provinces
  • 14 Points of Quaid e azam
    14. Eff Minority Rep
    in All Legislative Assembly
    BUT Muslim Majority NOT to be converted into Minority