
    Cards (11)

    • What was Schaffer and Emerson's study called?
      -Glasgow Baby Study 1964
    • Who were the ppts
      -60 babies (31 male and 29 female)
      -all from Glasgow and mainly working class families
    • What was the method
      -naturalistic and longitudinal
      -the mother and baby were visited their homes every month until the infant was 1 year and then again when the infant was 18 months
    • What did the researcher do
      -asked the mother questions about the type of protest their baby makes in everyday separations (such as mother leaving the room)
      -they were looking at the infants attachment to caregiver and stranger anxiety
    • What were the findings
      -between 25-32 weeks of age about 50% of the babies showed signs of seperation anxiety toward their caregiver (specific attachment)
    • attachment tended to be..
      -with the person who was most interactive and sensitive to the infants signals and facial expressions (reciprocity)
    • by the age of 40 weeks
      -70% of infants had a specific attachment and 30% had multiple attachments
      -based on the findings Schaffer and Emerson developed 4 stages of attachment
    • Outline Stage 1 Asocial (the first few weeks)

      -baby is recognising and bonding with caregiver
      -baby responds to human objects and humans in a similar manner
      -they show some preference for familiar adults who can easily calm them and babies are happier when with these individuals
    • Outline Stage 2 Indiscriminate attachment (2-7 months)

      -Baby displays more observable social behaviour
      -they prefer people to inanimate objects and recognise and prefer familiar humans
      -usually accepts cuddles and comfort from any adult and do not show separation or stranger anxiety
    • Outline Stage 3 Specific attachment (around 7 months)

      -majority of infants start to display stranger anxiety and separation anxiety
      -the specific attachment is to the person who best responds to the infants needs and signals
    • Outline Stage 4 Multiple Attachments (9 months-1 year)

      -infants start to have secondary attachments with people it sees on a regular basis.
      -29% of infants had a secondary attachment within a month of forming a specific attachment
      -by the age of 1 year the majority of infants had formed multiple attachments
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