Danby and Clarendon

Cards (47)

  • What year did the Great Plague occur?
  • How many people are estimated to have died from the Great Plague?
    100,000 people
  • Where did the Great Plague begin?
    In the suburbs and outskirts of London
  • What action did King Charles II take during the Great Plague?
    He and his court fled in the summer
  • What happened to the mortality rate of the Great Plague in winter?
    It began to decrease
  • What symbol was used to mark the doors of those infected?
    Red crosses
  • What was the believed cause of the plague?
  • What did people carry to combat miasma?
    Flowers (posy)
  • What method was used to 'cleanse' the air?
    Fire and smoke
  • What emergency measures were implemented during the Great Plague?
    • Could not leave house for 40 days
    • Watchmen ensured people stayed at home
    • Stopped trading
    • Dug mass graves (plague pits)
  • When did the Great Fire of London occur?
    September 1666
  • What percentage of London was destroyed by the Great Fire?
    Around 80%
  • What was the death toll from the Great Fire of London?
    Unknown but thought to be small
  • What action did King Charles II take to combat the fire?
    Ordered houses in the path to be pulled down
  • How did King Charles II assist during the fire?
    Joined firefighters and passed buckets of water
  • What was used to create fire-breaks during the Great Fire?
    Gunpowder to blow up houses
  • What was the public reaction to the explosions during the fire?
    Created panic among the people
  • What happened to St Paul Cathedral during the Great Fire?
    It was caught in the flames and collapsed
  • What reward did Charles II give to firefighters?
    A purse of 100 guineas
  • What positive outcome resulted from the Great Fire?
    Helped clear disease such as the plague
  • How was London rebuilt after the Great Fire?
    • Rebuilt to be safer
    • Less overcrowded
  • Who was blamed for the Great Fire of London?
  • Who became chief advisor to King Charles II?
    The Earl of Clarendon
  • What was Clarendon's approach to governance?
    Business-like and arrogant
  • What was a weakness of Clarendon in his role?
    Did not build a political network
  • How did Clarendon fare with the Privy Council?
    Did not get them fully on his side
  • What mistake did Clarendon make regarding Parliament?
    Allowed opposition to develop
  • How did Charles II view Clarendon?
    Recognized his skills but disliked him
  • What happened to Clarendon after the Second Dutch War?
    He was forced to resign and went into exile
  • When did Clarendon go into self-imposed exile?
    August 1667
  • What is crown patronage?
    Bestowing jobs to ensure loyalty
  • How did James I use crown patronage?
    He made Shakespeare the official playwright
  • What was Danby's stance on the Church of England?
    He wanted a rigid Church with no toleration
  • What was the consequence of Danby's inability to control Charles' spending?
    It could lead to civil war or conflict
  • Why was Charles brought back by the political nation?
    They wanted him there, not for divine right
  • What did Danby secure from parliament?
    Money to raise an army against France
  • What was the secret treaty of Dover?
    It involved Charles' relations with Louis XIV
  • Why was a trial for Danby not necessary?
    Charles did not want it to go to trial
  • What happened to Danby after the bill of Attainder?
    He surrendered to the Lords and was imprisoned
  • How long did Danby spend in the tower?
    Five years